In 1998, Laura Hughes began photographing a series of nudes and landscapes with an SX70 Land Camera. This body of work is an evocative exploration of the boundaries between eroticism and beauty and at which point one becomes the other. Her current work incorporates the use of Polaroid and digital video creating compelling images suggestive of modern surrealism. Laura was awarded her first solo show in 2001 at One Front Gallery in New York City and has been included in many group shows.

Born in Cleveland, Ohio and a graduate of The University of Michigan, Laura Hughes lives in New York City.


Boltax Gallery
May 2004
Arnold Worldwide Gallery
April 2004
OneFront Gallery
Sept 2001
Cooper Classics Gallery
June 2004
The Arsenal / Central Park
Sept 2003
Sothebys / NYAA
June 2003
Published Work
Spring 2004
Kinetic Records / South
Fall 2003
Bloomsbury / In Praise of Lies
Spring 1999